Wolfgang Globke

MathVlix on YouTube
HackVlix on YouTube
eMail: mathvlix @ gmail.com

I am a Privatdozent of the University of Vienna, Austria, in the area of mathematics. My main research interests are Lie groups and Lie algebras, in particular their discrete subgroups, and their actions in pseudo-Riemannian geometry. More on my research page.

Until 2021, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna. Before coming to Vienna, I studied computer science at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany (nowadays known as the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), with majors in computational geometry and computer algebra, and minor in experimental particle physics and cosmology. After completing my diploma in computer science, I did my PhD in mathematics under the supervision of Oliver Baues at the Institute of Algebra and Geometry at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. After that, I moved to the University of Adelaide in Australia, where I first was a postdoctoral researcher with Thomas Leistner, and later received an ARC DECRA research fellowship.

In April 2015, I coorganized the IGA/AMSI Workshop Symmetries and Spinors – Interactions between Geometry and Physics at The University of Adelaide, and in June 2019, I coorganized the AMSI/AustMS Workshop Workshop on Geometric Analysis and Homogeneous Geometry at the University of Queensland in Brisbane.